the first two speakers, gus hernandez followed by frances alt man. >> good afternoon members of the board and chairman normal avenlt -- nolan. i'm the vice-president of the square association. i brought together a group of neighbors today because we are concerned with some of the proposals that the mta has regarding tour buses aroundal mow squares. there are a number of buses that are uncontrolled and unregulated by the city of san francisco. the mta has put up -- we have asked them to decrease the number of tour buses that were accessing the square. over 2 years have passed and we have not seen a decrease in the tour bus. in fact they have been increasing. we have been having different committees a subcommittee meetings on this and the mta is now proposing a bus loading on hey street. this is unacceptable to our neighbors and community and contrary to all the efforts that we've been doing over the last 2 years. we are here to ask you to please listen to the community, to the neighborhood aroundal mow square and not implement a tour bus loading on hey street, this is for hey and pierce. >