. >> sarah o'rourke and gustav linquist. >> i represent ken folk for the st. joseph's art society. this is a cultural organization dedicated to supporting the arts in our community. we are comprised of two separate organizations, the art society for-profit and foundation which is for the nonprofit. both organizations are committed to supporting artists and allowing them to flourish in their career. we support many 501 seats in our space and supported over 20 events in the one year we have been open. additionally we open daily tours to the public to see st. josephs. we applied because our mills are large and our building is tall, approximately 132 feet. but yet, we take up a small footfingerprint. we plan to use the funds to maintain long-term maintenance of the church. thank you for your consideration. >> thank you. >> gustav linquis and then ted olsen. >> hello. i'm here with my wife and we're the owners of 6 63 that patomic. it's in pretty bad shape. yet we're excited restore it and fits nicely in with this beautiful area down by the park. any massivings will off-set the costs. f