the country's 1st left wing president gustavo pepito, came to pass, promising to make peace with several armed groups. i was our own petty has more now on the capital book. there are new circumstances that of best better, definitely helping among them. the fact that there is for the 1st time, left the government in place in columbia that the president, gustavo paper was himself rebel and non group n a youth. and this is something that the 1st commander of the land has also recognized the during the announcement from kodak as earlier today, essentially saying that the fact that they feel that the dialogue will be easier with the government. also the fact that the venezuela is on board and president nicholas and my buddha said that he will be a mediator in this process is very important because during the last decade or so, the land as an expanded greatly its operation inside the venezuela. and they are now operating and at least that doesn't venezuelan states, so it would be impossible without venezuela to advance in the stocks protest as in bettina fatso have called on the regional block