turns out we have such a wonderful tile, next to it there are glass bricks invented by the swiss gustov falconniercow you can find them, for example, in a restored tomb of the family of buttons, in modern production they are handed over in the same way as at the beginning of the 20th century, the mold is blown out, and mainly the input goes into tor-raw materials. we use bottles, glasses, dishes, various glass blocks, old from the soviet period, when light industrial could afford to brew rare shades, like selenium or manganese, which we also transport, and these are very good quality glasses, factory-made with verified compositions, which are recyclable. were developed with the participation of artists to to achieve the desired properties, whitewash, for example, was redone three times, unlike foreign materials, here the restorer can adjust the aperture intensity himself, achieving the ideal shade. you can, well, do it with a clean colorant with primer, you get watercolor, almost like that, you can do it with a base, you get medium- weight paint, you can do it with white. the result will be very d