why do you feel this revolution, this moment in book publishing is as revolutionary as when gutenberg created the printing press? >> when you go back the title of the address, blue ridge mountain christian writers affect and the premise i put forth was there was a shift in the authority and ability of people to share ideas and impact other people coming out with the printing press restricted at that time to the institution and limited by the hand of scribes tiexiera content. from a historical perspective gutenberg saw his printing press as a way not just to expand what he felt was a christian mission but also education on the middle class as a whole. historians would agree with that. there was a power shift, a phrase in one of his quotes about words are no longer restricted by the palsied hand that goes higher but now by an untiring machine. that change in authority from institution to what became the publisher said fourth tremendous impact. publishing shifted the authority once again from the publisher to the author. that has in all democracies good things and bad things come about.