dr gwen adshead, welcome to hardtalk. thank you very much, zeinab. decide to choose a career where you provide counselling and therapy to people who've committed acts which many brand as simply being pure evil? well, i first got interested in this career because i was interested in law and ethics. that very interesting question of how should we treat people who've done terrible things? so i started by assessing those people and giving evidence in court and really beginning to try and understand how people came to commit acts of violence. and once i got into that a bit more, i felt that i actually wanted to offer therapy to them, partly in order to understand them better, but also partly to try and reduce their risk, if i could. you trained as a doctor and then you moved into psychiatry, and then you also trained as a psychotherapist and moved into working with sexual offenders. you say you're interested in what makes the person who they are, but i have to put it to you that perhaps there's a bit of a morbid fascination you have? i don't see it as a f