. >> i'm a cofounder along with gwen brown.it's a tradition in the african-american community to ask your elders to speak. do we have your permission? >> yes, we do. we are here tonight because as we sit-in line we heard members of the community from the asian community calling the stay together. their idea together in this example is moving one neighborhood and joining it. the black community has come before this committee and just about every other committee in the city for decades to call for the opportunity to stay together for the same reasons the api community and any other community would advocate for it. they have representation. they have a chance to buy a home and they didn't have to worry about their safety and children can go to school safely. for some reason when the black community does it they have a favor in sometime of way. we have african-american reparations advisory community that took recess so they can speak to you that the masses excused my language, dr. brown. you had enough urgents to come up with the r