she has beenjoined by gwen davies and eileen fulham, who are two of the original dagenham girls who foughtaunch of the 19605 which led to the launch of the equal pay act. so much has been happening today, the open letter in the observer, how much has been done, is it enough? it is an incredible amount of work that has been done in a very short amount of time. there is a real appetite for change and this is the moment, but there is so much more to do. 0ver half of women in the uk have suffered sexual abuse and that is a statistic that needs to be eradicated. we have set up a justice and equality fund which will help anyone who has been sexually abused in the workplace and that is the way we can keep moving this forward and get out further than the entertainment industry. eileen gwen, you fought for this in the motor industry. did you imagine with all the steps forward you made in 1968 onwards that still on the 21st century people would be fighting on these issues? never, we thought it would end by now, we thought everybody would have their rights, but it has not happened unfortunately. 50 y