earlier today, my colleague across the aisle, gwen moore, and i introduced a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of prail as sexual assault awareness and prevention month. i'm glad to see we are coming together in this chamber on a bipartisan basis to identify this issue, speak about this issue, and coming together to solve this critical problem for americans across the nation. also, i just wanted to say, from this personal experience as a husband, as a father of a beautiful girl who is 15, the uncle of my beautiful niece who went through this horrific can't on, that we just express enough how horrific and tragic sexual assault is when it comes to families, young men and women, men and women across the country. i stand here today to say no more. with that, i'd like to at this point in time yield some time to my good colleague, mrs. capito, to speak on this important issue. mrs. capito: thank you. i'd like to thank the gentleman from new york for bringing highlight to an issue that we all feel a certain sadness that has to be highlighted. i'm sorry for his personal tragedy for hi