while captain rahmani has been very successful, unfortunately she's receive numerous threats from gwinnetttions, condemnation from people inside the government, from outside the government. so basically if she were to return to afghanistan, she would be in fear of her safety. >> i want to get your response to an afghan general telling "new york times," quote -- i am sure she lied by saying she was threatened just to win her case. what's your response to that? >> well, i think that is a ridiculous quote. frankly i think that quote demonstrates the lack of support that unfortunately the captain has received in afghanistan. that's exactly frankly the response she received from other governmental officials when she would report such threats to them. they basically gave her a very dismissive response, they failed to investigate any threats and basically condemned her for doing what was her and her feat's dream to do, which is become a pilot for the afghan air force. >> captain rahmani, you've been threatened by the same wing that shot malala, who spoke out for women's education. she's become a