there is a cap headline that said that businesses be where;h bebeware. -- beware. 'v[ -- had to make explicit that utilities are barred from making misleading p >> , there is not an effective track record on behalf of municipalities that are bullied by the private utility companies. what if they cannot respond favorably or dragged their heels in this particular case? >> that would be a business decision that he did have to make -- that we would have to make. >> and a legal decision? >> we have to consider whatever options are available. >> based on part of the lonaw, that is a pretty stark description of what one can and cannot do. how would one not interpreted in our favor based on what history we have experienced on interference so far? >> we think there's very strong legislation language that says that they shall cooperate and cooperate fully with the programs. we have good language in the statued to support our position. >> thank you very much. colleagues, any questions? public comment on this item, please. >> i am an activist not only for community choice but