h. etook to twitter railing against new common core standards and the tests and the homework that goes withsays his kids used to love math. now it makes them cry. he tweeted pictures of his daughter's homework questions and mocked their confusing wording. as you know from watching this show week after week, she is hardly alone. 44 states have adopted common core standards in english and math. now, that irsupposed to raise expectations to better prepare students for a career. we need it, right? across the country, parents are freaking out. >> we feel like the pressure is too much. >> it puts too much pressure on the students. >> higher standards are sadly becoming a punch line. by one measure the world bank says china will overtake the u.s. economy as early as this year. how we implement these standards matters. how schools communicate to students and parents matters. taking time to get homework and testing right, all of that matters, we'll have an education system that's worse, not better. stay tuned. thanks for spending "saturday smart" with us, set your dvr to auto record "your money" rig