duck, when s and h are together they make the sound "sh." the sound "sh"? yes, like in "sh-eep." at do you know. s and h make "sh." (laughs) (grumbling) shh. yeah, yeah, yeah that's what i said. s and h make "sh." no, duck, shh-- as in be a little, uh, quieter. or you'll wake the... no, no, no, wait wait, wait, wait, wait. i can sound this one out. so, sh-ark... shark. we don't want to wake the shark. (gasps) shark?! shh! (yawning) my, that nap was just what my sore tail needed. oh, hi, duck. (quacking) (whimpering) and this must be your friend frog. (whimpering) and this must be your friend sheep. um... uh, uh, uh... (squeaking whine) and this must be your friend fish. (fish squealing) you certainly have a lot of friends, duck. it must be because you're so funny! (laughing) s-hark? you're a shark? uh... uh, um yes, that's right. well, why didn't you tell me you were a shark? i was afraid you wouldn't want to be my friend if you knew i was a shark. no one wants to be friends with a shark. well, why not? i don't care if you're a shark or a s-hark or a purple, polka-dotted monkey la