andndd evpraccinati, ona lot of indivialdus becausthe ey include all indiduvials partf ostuff would ha gveone to t hheospital. number two, it maske sense whit a ghhi contact sport andit wh winning vaincce immunity atth you caspn read infection. nuermb three, vaccine nisot the lyon mitigatnio strategy. in some teams like t nhefl, cus stanford introducing testing, t nooftebun t at se ompointit ma team or ge iveveryoneoo bsters if they e areligible. >> an artic ilen the mek rcon e thtestingto sry pntoied out at higy hlsensitive pcr chines weer used on the ayplers and osthe can dettec active virus for up to d90ays d procedu false posivite surelts. i'm lia ttle consefudec bause he always rorepted thatcr p was the gold sndtaard. are we implygin they are flawed because th aeyre too ssientive? >> it dendpes on when you are doing th pecr. i will give y touhe situation they a trealking autbo. say you had covid and i swabbed you erevy day for 20ay ds. kni ow from heotr studies ttha ter aboudat ys seven or so, anytnghi i pickeupd n oyou is probablyot n going tbeo alive. but you slltiav he aboutev sen day