september 5th turns out to be rash ha shana, and december 5th actually ends up being the last day of hanukkah. there was a suggestion ~ that this body consider taking a longer break, extending it summer hiatus in august into that september 5th hearing date which coincides with labor day as well and the day of rash ha shana and to add back december 5th when, generally speaking, there are enough -- large numbers of breaks between thanksgiving and christmas and new year's to add that hearing back to your calendar. >> thank you. is there any public comment on the proposed hearing schedule? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini. >> yeah, given the circumstances, i think this is a good suggestion because we always seem to be busy at the end of the year and our hearings are constricted by the holidays when we're going to be off at least three sessions. so, i think this is a good way of doing it. >> commissioner moore. >> i would agree, and i think it fully reflects we are much more able to balance our thursdays so i'm in full support of it. move to approve. >> second.