again, it's very clear that habibie lounge had a permit as of august 8th.the claim she's made in her brief that as in september they did not have a permit is just incorrect. i'm not aware of any closure. there were some violations that were responded to. >> that's the normal course of business. this is this is a restaurant. >> this is a normal response to departures. there's notice they're violations and they're corrected and that's that's normal for any recently opening business. i'm not sure how so i'm not sure about that. again, i'd like to lean on the fact that the process for us has been very important. we did center over 300 notices. we went through lengthy negotiation with the thc. this negotiation was lauded by the entertainment commission and i think to set an example that applicant should go through this process and have a successful negotiation with the tenderloin housing clinic. it really undermines that process to say you know what, you guys get all the work you did, all the negotiation, all the parties are happy. but you know because we showed