the vanilla risk packaged in how back into these cheaps hackman used to sell to all three million of them and now it's less than a million he thinks one reason for the high price is people buying it speculative. and then it is known as black gold and. the country produces an exports around sixty percent of the global demand for harvests also cause the price to go up that were heavy thunderstorms last year that make growing it difficult when vanilla becomes very valuable it's stolen from the fields farmers get nervous so they harvest too early and that causes a considerable drop in quality they're expecting richer harvests next time that would be supply and hopefully demand in hamburg to. people always say that high prices make global demand go down to you know. people will just do without but that's still demond. for. rudolph. because nothing beats real vanilla say the experts and it's subject to price fluctuations like almost any real material in the world. and just briefly bringing you back to germany's drought story one produces better able to adapt to this hot summer the conditio