a level of hacktivism, crime and espionage are daily occurrences. they can't be dealt with in the same way. on the flip side, disaggregating these threats raises the challenge of which organizations are best to respond to the various types of threats that are faced in and through cyber space. so for example most critical infrastructure systems are owned by private tooks within individual member states. it's often dif couple enough for the member states themselves to effectively deal with sieb security within their own boards and this difficulty combined, all come together to make it difficult for nato to do more than focus on its own networks. the u.s. reluctance to use cyber attacks points to the challenge of deploying them within timely manner and in turn this points to potential legal challenges for deploying offensive cyber attacks in a time of conflict, in acard with the discrimination and proportionality. thank you. >> i think we'll go ahead and open it up for q and a. i'm just going to try and wrap this up and so reframe it so we can get a co