when you guys haer this and thinking about what is the top of mind issues for voters, it goes back tong. there's a reality that crime is up and there is cause for concern. >> it is up. you can see it in the statistics across the board. anecdotes are not data, right, but i certainly have experienced this as a resident of washington, d.c., that there is more crime in my local neighborhood, in my community there are more carjackings. we're hearing difficult stories and i think the way that this ties into our national narrative, you got a couple things going on. i mean, you got a lot of social factors hard to solve with policy with income inequality, mental health crisis. many people are on the streets because they have mental health problems, et cetera. that's sometimes what people equate with crime, people simply dealing with other issues. but there's this lawlessness, this sense of lawlessness in the wake of the pandemic, i think, that has a lot of people unsettled. when you combine it with the recent history of some democrats using the slogan of defund the police, they're connect what