hafez: i hope not 20 years and 30 years.s better. ♪ >> keiji: to me, i really feel a strong need to, uh, forgive. >> anthony: mm-hmm. >> keiji: and then, forget. and then move on. >> anthony: you used to be a tour guide. >> ha: yes. >> anthony: i know you have to bring people over to the american war museum. in your lifetime, is there going to be a time when that's not gonna have to be a stop? no one will remember. or should people always remember? >> ha: i think it's good to remember. and, i think it's -- it's good that, that -- it's important that we know about history. and to make sure it never happens again. >> jason: in conversations that i had with him, he said, "look, i'm not a journalist." and it's funny because, you know, i'm a journalist and i work with and live with another journalist and spend a lot of time with journalists, and going and talking to people, telling stories, hearing people's stories that illuminate a place. if that's not journalism, i'm really not sure what is. >> anthony: how often do you get to