crash that happened around 3 o 'clock monday's a truck dangling off interstate 81 near hagerstoww. it was traveling south, when it crossed the median into the northbouud lanes... hitting phree other person died.police aren't sure why theetruck crossed into the opposite direction...but witnesses say... the truck looked erratic just before the collision. 3 3 same sex marriage... takes center stage at the statehouse in annapolis today.there will be a hearing on the bill in the senate judicial proceedings committee. committee.but opponents of the governor's plan to legglize same-sex unions.. made their voices heard at the state house last night.many came carrying signs supporting marriage between man and woman. counter protestors showed up too.. but the majority voiced opposition to the governor's agenda. people are defening traditional marriage. parriige.difference in opinion among clergy some are very much opposed to it. 3 tell lawmakers what you think about same-sex marriage... and other issues like the as tax. contact information for the governor, house speaker and senate