. -- haggerty. we have you, older than 13 in the photo, aren't you? >> this is 14 or 15. bought a 67 porsche 911. >> i bought the car and looking up worth about $300,000. not bad. that is good investment. adam: should have been a 901. >> that is whole other store. >> '65, a lot of people want to get into this hobby but you don't have to hundreds of thousands or thousands upon thousands. get in for less money than you might think. for instance? >> absolutely. this is the 50th anniversary of the mustang. great example. adam: 64 1/2. we actually have the chart. pull up a 64 1/2 mustang. what would this car, say, in drivable condition, maybe a few dings, most of the original equipment? >> can buy one of these cars $15,000. drivable, good car. you can get them a little bit less, original condition car. they average about 26, between 22 and 26,000. adam: they're up about what, in value 30% since 2006? >> they have been absolutely spiking. it has been a great testament to the fact that ford has been investing in their own heritage. they built a ton of mustangs from 64 to 66. alm