and under the regulations the justice department then pays for those legal representations, which hahacases, a variety of circumstances. former attorneys general as lawyers have been reimbursed by the government. i'm hoping i won't have to do that, but other attorneys generals have done that. >> so even now that the , ev though that counsel has found that members of the stephens prosecution had engaged in significant widespread and at s intentional misconduct, does the government have any recourse to recover the funds that have been paid for their attorneys, for their attorneys fees? when they have engaged in intentional misconduct? now you have hutchison that after the office of public responsibility report, that there may be sanctions that we will see, but is there recourse? are you pursuing any recourse? it s t thi where it has been made clear that the intentional -- that the conduct was intentional, that it was substantial, and it was widespread, that we should not be defending and paying for the attorneys fees to -- to, again, conduct such acts and then to learn that they're still with