manson claimed to be like everybody flocking to haight-ashbury, if just a bit older. he told most people he was searching for peace and love just like them. but his dark side soon took over. >> manson was in his early 30s at the time that he was in the haight-ashbury, developing what became known as his family. so there were all these young people there looking for something. many of them using drugs. and he gave them what they were looking for. he said, free food, free lodging, free sex, so free love as it was called then, all just flowed because he played a guitar, he sounded like he knew what he was talking about. to an 18, 17-year-old runaway who might have, wow, this guy is really something. and the family grew. >> as his family grew, manson, a racist at his core, became increasingly paranoid about a war between blacks and whites. then in december 1968, the beatles released the song "helter skelter." ♪ look out ♪ helter skelter >> manson believed the lyrics predicted a race war, and he began calling the war "helter skelter." >> one of the things that apparently h