energy includes energy efficiency, demand response, solar wind, natural gas, electric generation, haiku, nuclear, electric vehicles, smart grid and more. these technologies and service can provide the states with an array of cost effective options as they develop and limitation plants to meet epa's standards the government and has gas emissions. in closing, aee belief that designing to standards to allow the states the flexibility to incorporate these technologies and services into their implementation plans is simply good policy to such flexibility is the best approach for achieving the cost effective greenhouse gas emission from power sector across the country. thank you very much. >> good morning. my name is earl mitchell and i live in springfield, virginia. let's start with what webster says about pollution. a harmful chemical or waste material discharged into the water or atmosphere, to make unclean, enter, corrupt, contaminant, dirty. so what we're really discussing here today is how dirty do we want to make our planet. the burning of coal, the dirtiest carbon fuel, actually arms