allah , may god bless him, may god bless him. hai ali al-falah , hi ali al-falah, hi ali khair al-amal. hail alai khair al-alam allah akbar, allah akbar, there is no god but allah , o allah, grant me the grace of the night of qadr, and make things easy in it . to walzar or raouf to worship the righteous. there are waiting eyes and dreams in the ears and next to the houses. i shook the sky last night, the stars fell in my hand, they are very beautiful, a knowledge dad, grow up, what do you want to be , a doctor, i want to be a teacher, an artist, a police officer , why do i need help? what is your wish i wish for a tablet and a computer. those who are deprived of father's shadow and i want paternal caress, i want to die, i said god. hafez, but what a sigh i have in my heart . being small was hard. being two children. i used to give my friends to the shop, i didn't have anything else to eat. it doesn't matter if you are a sports champion. you don't burn pahlavi, neither with the fatness of the arm, nor with the famous saying behind the lips. he picked up a fallen child whose father held his hand above his head.