caitlyn jenner, it's great to spend time with you, lpga rules allow hailey davidson to compete, removedent in 2010 as long as the player has undergone hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. hailey has undergone both. playing in the rules, are the rules sound? >> oh, boy, john, here we go again. are the rules sound, i would say yes, the lpga is a different sport. i've been very consistent with how i've tried to approach this transgender athletes. it really depends on the sport. every sport is different. obviously we saw with lia thomas she had gone through male puberty, bigger cardiovascular system, it was just not fair. and fortunately we won that, we won that won. the world organization for controlled swimming, basically banned her, said you have to go through transition before you are the age of 12, you can't go through male puberty. now we come to golf. golf is a totally different game. it is a game of touch and feel. it is about your ability around the green to get the ball close, out of the bunker. your ability to putt, and the girls on the lpga tour, i've played in some