you know the guy at the hair club come i'm not just president but i'm a client. i'm a fox news client so it drives me nuts that we take seriously this narrative, this conjoint narrative from the democrats and the media. cnn and "new york times," "washington post," they must be laughing their off to their attention. this is such a joke. such a joke and all design to win and election. that is all it is. >> juan: i want to say this. >> greg: don't you think the greatest president ever is donald trump? >> juan: he switched parties again? >> greg: you can't deny anything i said. >> juan: yes i can. >> greg: prison reform, economy, syria? >> juan: what about the coal mines? >> greg: what about the coal miners? >> juan: he doesn't care about the coal miners. here is the thing. >> greg: he is a threat to you, the media, the democrats, the richest skunk in the garden party and no one knows how to get him out of they are. >> juan: you are a fox viewer you say. >> greg: i show throw the shoe at fox but only when you are talking. [laughter] >> juan: napolitano said you can't