use and production of substances known to be causing the depletion of the ozone layer it was hairspray marsland which absorbs and protects us from the bulk of the sun's all charged violate radiation and that treaty which was one of the first universally ratified treaties and united nations history has been working better than expected the whole of the earth over the ozone layer is it's small list since nineteen eighty eight according to nasa one point three million square miles smaller to be exact scientists predict that if nothing is done the concentration of ozone depleting chemicals like chlorine won't return to pre-one nine hundred eighty levels and told middle of decades of this century but the same scientific models also say that the and arctic o's own player will recover by two thousand and forty it all depends on whether we decide to use science and technology to help itself to save our planet or if we choose to let our atmosphere get the best of us most fear of. getting screwed now is good i'm happy to see that i remember those warnings and it is grown up like start using the headers p