haj agha ahmadi rouhani is determined and active in the village , he is trying to make the cultivation of medicinal plants customary in the province. we have a reason and encouragement to do this now a bed of cancer, because some of these weeds are in the ground, they should sell their life support to the cooperative , so we can get tomans of meshamba spirits from the foreign exchange market as emergency aid . this barrage is 180 meters and reconstruction. one of them was 100 kilos of borage flower, but the next year it was cut much more . among them provision livelihood and livelihood is to provide the livelihood of the dear villagers. well, these small workshops or small works that are happening at the level of the villages will make the income of our loved ones to be strengthened in the construction of the village and in some places like medicinal plants and also, related downstream industries should also invest some other provinces in this province in the rural area. in the field of mining industry and trade , it is actually one of the main topics of our work, home jobs and support