this is the 11-hectare garden of haj muhammad hossein bozor star. one of the exemplary gardeners of dozod city. sweet neem, sour neem, stone lemon, nangi pard. quinoa and oranges are among the products that are produced in this garden exclusively in desbol city. quinoa is local , it is not sensitive to our heat, it is not sensitive to our cold , its skin is good, its color is good , and its taste is good. strengthening and sweet fruit more than 10 people are harvesting all kinds of citrus fruits in the garden of haj mohammad hossein . morning to noon 4 hours in the afternoon . with experience, chen tshavarzeh irrigates the trees in his garden in the form of drops. i did the extraction and i'm doing the water under pressure , i'm very satisfied. nuralali kabirinia is another old gardener of dezod city. it was my father's job and we were one of the first gardens in the region. from each hectare of citrus orchard, this gardener with experience harvested about 45 to 50 tons of quality fruit. we are harvesting local oranges the special weather conditions