now i thk following up on chris, thathe hakan i-net work probably played aajor le in this hit at the chapman combat operati post. hakan i-net works very rong in the area of khost and th've operated there r many years with a number ofpectacular idea tacts and i think islso quite interesting both on decemb 31st and tay as reported by a numr of newspapers in the ited states, there has been additional dron attacks in nor waziristan where the hakan i-net work runs ovely. >> what is theelationship between the teo of drok attacks and the attacks by the taliban on amerin and civilian fces. >> i think exactly as m noted. we've be really focusing our one attacks on north waziristanecause that is the ground zero for the hakan i-net work. we're focusing thereecause the pasing sndis continue to view the hakan net work as an al. so while the pakistanis e going south with their military operation io south waziristan they have demured ifot outright refused to take responsibility for hak i-net work and t leader of the taliban in afgnistan. so we have taken upon oursves to engage in the drone tacks to