these are three names apa, hal burton and. >> come on over, chris chris veron joining the defendant o desk. >> what do you think should chris come over. >> i don't know, what do you think. >> those days are gone. >> do these three names work based on a particular chart of oil you see? >> yeah. >> do oil price haves to remain stable in order for the charts to work. >> i think lost in the discussion in the debate the last couple of weeks is brent oil has gone 70 to 80. about of we even knew about the storm. this is not a storm story. there is a bid to oil here i think the stocks have separated from that. i think that's a mistake and i think the market is going to start to reflect that some of the beaten down names, the service stock bombed on very big volume the last several days hal burton being the best example of that. there is a trade here to be had. >> i'm going to piggy back what you just said. i think it's the value rush in over growth that we have seen in the last couple of days or weeks let's say because i don't think it's a starm -- because there is not a supply drupgs. there