. >> dave: we're going to kttv reporter hal eisner, been there all night. do we know, we've heard some reports and some whispers about a bathtub. good morning to you. >> reporter: right. good morning to you, and it was just a little over two hours ago that whitney houston's body was taken from the beverly hilton hotel where we are right now, and taken to the los angeles county coroner's office where there will be an autopsy and it will be determined exactly how she died. there were reports from tmz, specifically, that she was found dead in the bathtub, i personally haven't been able to confirm that and reporting and based on conversations they say they had with employees of the hotel. police though have said, they have he' said it to me there were no signs of foul play. the time line on all of this at 3:43. yesterday afternoon los angeles time beverly hills police got a call for medical help from someone in houston's entourage. when they got to her fourth floor room at beverly hills hotel, security was trying to resuscitate here, didn't have any luck, and sh