you have the distinguished honor of being first, yes my name is hal quinn. national trade association or the domestic industry that produced our members produced coal and uranium to the fuel that comprise 60% of the electricity supplies and the minerals essential for every segment of the society as well as the manufactures machinery = supplies and energy producers and users and developers and technologies and other innovations that keep the industry productive as well as the nation competitive globally the less reliable sources and proposal in our view is studying to make the nation's entire electric grid reducing the diversity of the electricity supplies and raising its cost will impair the economic recovery as well as future growth. in those region of the country that services are the predominant source of electricity generation. retail rates are 30 to 50% lower than the coal generated electricity. gpa estimates the proposal is 27% of low-cost generation electricity in the next ten years and this will result in the loss of at least 200,000 high wage jobs i