. >> reporter: hal weaver is the new horizons project scientist. he admits to some nerves here in the home stretch. >> oh, yeah. i'm somewhat nervous because in the space business, you're only as strong as your weakest link. and we've put so much effort into making sure that we squeeze as much as possible out of this mission scientifically. >> reporter: and that scientific "to-do list" is a long one. despite what we may imagine, pluto is no simple ice-covered rock. although with a surface temperature of 387° below zero fahrenheit, there is plenty of ice. ice made of carbon dioxide methane, ethane and nitrogen-- also the main ingredient of its atmosphere. besides cold, the pluto weather can be cloudy, hazy and windy the sun is so distant that high noon on pluto is like dusk here on earth. it appears there are mountains and valleys. and, yes, it is red. sorry mars, you're not as special as we once thought. >> so we think that the color of the surface is a direct byproduct of a process called, "space weathering" where the radiation from the sun and co