i want to ask haley barbour about that who is a former rnc chairman. regarding the house and senate, we have senator johnson coming on, a leader in the senate from wisconsin, they're not getting stuff done the way i'd like to see gem ththem get it done but again that's the rules. you vote, you elect, you have legislation and it may not be what i want, what you want, but that's the way it works out and it's a pretty darn good system. >> and at points of high tumult and change where there are philosophical struggles within the republican party as there are within the democratic party, fighting for the soul of the party, you would expect to see some of this let me call it untidiness. >> look, this whole -- >> or dysfunction. >> if you buy the polls, polls are the polls, there's great anger, angst, and crankiness and unhappiness by the voters, particularly the base of the republican party, at what's going on, and you're seeing that. that is being reflected and there are divisions, and the primaries ultimately -- >> let me ask you, i believe it was karl rov