we talked about it, they hooked other -- haley reinhart, and imelda may who sings, and sarah silvermanan. >> sings on it. >> seth: our friend sarah silverman. so, how did you get -- had you guys sung before, you and sarah? >> yes, we had. i met her you know, right around this right here when i hosted "saturday night live" long before you were born -- >> seth: wow. >> in 1993, '92. >> seth: no. yeah, yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> and she was writing it. and then we stayed in touch. i was pals, and she was too with garry shandling. and we found ourselves in the same circle. we did a couple of things together. and then, i had done a charity event, and cooked up this song in a duet with somebody else that sammy davis and frank sinatra recorded, at that same place where we recorded this, in fact, i do believe, the capitol records building in hollywood of "me and my shadow." >> seth: uh-huh. >> on one occasion she was doing that largo show that she does. >> seth: yes, great dy, ybe we learn this thing." i went over to her apartment. if you go on youtube you can see us. she recorded us re