. >> rob schwartz followed by john and halina sears. >> good afternoon. my name is alena sears and i'm with blazing saddles bike rentals. first of all, i want to thank you for your letter on may 16th addressing some of the issues we put before you just recently. we've been meeting with a lot of agencies for nine, almost 10 years now and no concrete solution has really been -- we're here to ask you for language before the permit application is issued. it should require not request they do the right thing. >> rob schwartz followed by sean sears and herbert wiener. >> i'm with san francisco bicycle rentals and i'll add a little bit to what halina just said and thank you for your letter yesterday. we sent a response out this morning so if i'm not able to cover everything in the two minutes, i don't like to read from a let are but because there's so much to say i'm going to speak about three times faster than normal and as i said a month ago when there was discussions about scooters, is that we view bike rentals as part of the solution of san francisco's bike