i believe the issue with halladay might be with the fact that some of halladay is technically still street right-of-way. so when we go through the secondary process after the programmatic is behind us and move forward with street vacations we'll address that separately. i think that would be the reason for the lack of p at halladay. >> i was just asking that because if your legislation coming in under "p" this would not be really addressing one of your candidate plazas. >> commissioners there is a motion and second on the floor. (roll call) >> so moved commissioners that mospasses unanimously 7-0. >> the commission will take a 20-minute break. welcome tonight san francisco planning commission meeting for may 1st, 2014 and to silence devices and when speaking before the commission to state your name for the record. we left on items 11a, b, c, d, and f. for case no.s 2014-0187, c2014.01 9 c, 014.01 9 c, 2014.0233c. 2014.0234c and cause no. 2014.0236c. these are all formula retail or requests for formula retail ku authorization at 2675 geary boulevard. >> good afternoon, president wu and memb