. ♪ glory, glory, hallejah. his truth is marching on. ♪ amen. amen.es junior. let us pray. o god, i hope in ages past and our hope in years to come. send us forth to claim the brand new future that you continue to offer us beyond our tragedies and our triumphs. and as we go farther grant that we may not be centered on where we have been or on what we have done, but on where we are going and what is possible by your grace, for us to become a beloved community which celebrates and a if i weres o our -- affirms our unitty and in the challenging words of a benediction, may god bless us with discomfort and easy answers and half truths and super official relationships, so that we may live deep within our hearts, may god bless us with anger and injustice oppression and exportation of people so that we may work for justice, freedom and peace for all. and may god bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection and starvation and war. and so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. and may god bless us