supreme court justices reached the haller decision in the district of columbia vs. haller. they made it very clear, this is nat collective right. this is not contingent on membership in a militia. the second amendment is an individual right that applies to individual americans, and agree. not too long after that in the mcdonald vs. city of chicago decision, the court went even further in upholding the haller decision and recognizing that, it affirmed that decision and went further and said this second amendment right is so important and so basic and so important, it's binding on states and local governments as well. so not only can the federal got not infringe upon second amendment rights but neither can a state or local government. so that's a pretty impressive conclusion that our court has come to. in resolving the big part of this contentious debate. now i pose a question that the court has also addressed, and that is, is this a right that is enjoyed by all of the people of america? in my opinion, and i think this is not controversial, the answer to that question is, no.