hallick wanted an education. so what hallick had to do to escape this drudgery, he went to live with his maternal grandfather who was able to give hallick the education he so wanted. at the age of 20 he went to west point, but while he is at west point he is finishing his degree at union college in new york. he gets his degree while he is in the middle of his west point years and he also gets one of the first keys from the founding union college. during his third year at west point hallick kbagave the 4th o july address at west point. this was an honor left only for the best military and academic scholars. he graduated in 1838 third in his class. by the way, the two people ahead of him didn't do a thing during the civil war. he was so impressed with faculty that even while a cadet he was teaching classes to other west point cadetings. when he graduated they immediately named him an assistant professor of chemistry and engineering. in 1841 he published what was the first of many books, wonderful title. varieties a