>> hallisy. >> this is about transportation and mobility. you know from my perspective, this is a recreation question. >> we'll loan you commissioner hallisy. >> i really appreciate the range of perspectives here. this is not jurisdiction per se, but we do in our mission and charter have a responsibility to ensure and improve mobility and access for all and i think that is what i am mostly trying to keep my thoughts to and similar to other commissioners and directors here, trying to take my own needs and preferences out of the way. you know, my situation is that my family are multimodal. we went to j.f.k. and took advantage of the ability to have our kids learn to ride their bikes there as well. very recently we drove our vehicles to the park, parked there, got our bikes and one wheelers out and you know, enjoyed j.f.k. as well. so, i think on having said all that, i think that my initial concern or worry was truly around whether or not we're providing sufficient access and preserving sufficient access for everyone as best we can on balance.