nick. . [ no audio ] >> reporter: hallown at georgetown for most people. >> justin bieber. >> reporter: is adult's version of all hallow's eve. >> i originally wasn't planning oncoming out because i thought it was going to be miserable. >> reporter: halloween hasn't gone to the adults, though. it's still a kids night. they arranged a parade, trick-or-treating and a contest for humans and canines. and everybody business has been so wonderful. they're really excited to be part of the community. >> we actually take them to the grocery store down the street and the women there get to call him the doughboy because he is so fat. >> reporter: in lesli heights, arts. >> it takes about an hour per pumpkin. >> reporter: she has been carving for almost 10 years. she gets a request for her jack-o-lanterns every year but refuses to make a business of it. >> this is for me a hobby. . >> very artistic and i think it would take a lot of time. >> reporter: and what is even better than beyond brilliant. the fact that we can do any of this at all. >> this girl wouldn't let me go out in the hurricane so i