hamadan province malair radio and television news agency. that lion's heart that turns is the quality of our hearts, wherever there is a test, it is the same for us. you are the land of the heart that has no length and width. our story is love , love is not sick . wherever we are , we will be higher tomorrow. what was in your head one day , we will be your friend, we will erase the black head enemy , we will sprinkle the spots from the geography map, we will sprinkle the spots from the geography map, we will read the links from the map geography no matter who is heard, the enemy says not to come, just because the enemy says not to come, it means that we must be the workers who are soldiers in the economic field, and they themselves have no shortage of problems, but they know the importance. basically , for a while, we thought that we should not choose , this does not have much effect. later we realized that the side we choose has a great impact on our future. i hope that all people will participate. the importance of participating in the ele