thank you the eagle government just as be unveiled last budget posisibles finances hamid hammadi members. let's let him put a slice by dvds reserve it ministry strange following. thousand chris. now we finally [inaudible] judge. well when we sees hope helen wanted. 1100% on longer murkland plant down down twenty twenty one one way away arms are on mon mar but not not bad about. frank i think that he's in and around one point 2% and down down lately right right at home's monologues even and when it. first or second account on here. up just under on half half percent wall wallstreet reverse first early early intimate reports for you. when you when you as a china china dow dell phillipe? low interest rates. the infrastructure projects japanese prime minister [inaudible] what [inaudible] is. we have we have to resign in on any movement on the on indian and under current consoles will amount to about. rising -- bill world third there are large airfare. to two thousand jobs but but when we're going to go a little money money put it quite a public reprimand wrangler weweirder wilder sosounds. j