hammerskins. the crew started by hard core skinheads who had been kicked out of the national umbrella group, hammerskin nation. >> hammerskins had such a reputation that they demanded respect. they demanded fear. if a hammerskin came to a party you knew it. everybody treaded very lightly around them. they were known for being incredibly violent, incredibly tough. so everybody was very wary around hammerskin for the most part and wanted to join. i was what they called a pit bull. they'd point and i'd sic them. if somebody was with us at a bar or something they'd point me in a direction and i'd go [ expletive ] them up basically. we were a very extreme group. we were really hard core. we put it out there on the internet, don't screw with us. we will kill you. and that's how we lived our philosophy. we will kill you. every time we drove around we had guns, balls, bats and knives in our cars. you see a black guy and white girl walking down the road, we'd put a block away from them and get out and rush them. have two go around the block, come up behind them so they can't escape. they get sandwiched in and u