deal know hammett who we found in no man's land when he came to bangladesh told us why the refugees a sense scared of the transit camps. like india say not genocide is that. well in the local bodies. many many annoying guests and i guess middle of a kind of sitting so i go about a man. like i did with the white house as did as didn't live in there i didn't have to up to 6 yes good lord to let me keep getting the lyric element i didn't get in there that's what i do. yet i get to do doesn't like doing. this yes. i joke with a couple with the fact that i might have heard them. done other than what you know that i'm willing to do with my feet out of. this time also got a man who will take back in the national with the annoying jazz but i think it is not willing. to reduce only into an operation so now modern man sat out the transit. transit can want i.d.p. camps like concentration and so would all like a i do we want to go daddy low water homeland home about a man ma saying. he didn't ship and include all in all rocks if the big long time our water future generation will. don't use volunt