he is av hammond elector of the data will stop he says such lists are a normal part of investigative work and says it is just coincidence that only roma are listed. >> people are asking how it is possible that only roma are registered in -- listed in this registry. for me, that is nothing unusual. if you are investigating a criminal network of roma, it is normal but only roma are it. we use this data for our intelligence needs. but he -- >> but he cannot really lane why they list includes only -- also women and children. and the -- and the explanation is not satisfactory to authorities. to this man, it is based on ethnicity. >> three weeks ago, if you had asked me if i thought the swedish police had a registry- based. on ethnicity, i would have said no. i was angry and upset to find that it does exist. the roma have existed in such registries in the past. it is a huge setback for integration efforts, though we do not want to use the word integration because the roma are a national minority. they have been part of swedish society for five centuries. >> a part of society that nonethele